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Swachh & Swastha

Transforming Lives Through Behavioral Change: The Swachha and Swastha Gadwal Campaign


India’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) was launched as the largest public awareness and behavioral change campaign to address the critical issue of open defecation. While the mission aimed for nationwide change, Gadwal district in Telangana emerged as a significant challenge. Known for its high prevalence of open defecation and lack of basic sanitation infrastructure, Gadwal also faced cultural and behavioral resistance to adopting toilets at home. Particularly, young girls were most affected, with many dropping out of school due to the lack of proper sanitation facilities. The challenge was to drive sustainable behavioral change in a district historically resistant to adopting sanitation solutions, integrate various government departments for coordinated efforts, and leverage technology and digital media to make a tangible impact.


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Culturally Informed Strategy
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Unified Campaign
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Strategic Stakeholder
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Personalized Household
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Digital Transparency and
Community Involvement
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Significant Sanitation
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Got govt. officials and departments to coordinate to drive a change

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Implemented a door-to-door campaign


Ebani Tech led the Swachha and Swastha Gadwal Campaign, a 6-month behavioral change initiative designed to empower the people of Gadwal to take action for their community’s hygiene and sanitation.

Key Initiatives:

1. Understanding Cultural Nuances and Challenges:

  • Many homes had small temples, and families were reluctant to build toilets nearby due to cultural and religious sensitivities.
  • Open defecation was not perceived as a matter of self-esteem or dignity.
  • Financial constraints further hindered toilet construction.
  • This understanding informed the design of strategies that respected cultural values while addressing practical challenges.

2. Comprehensive Strategy and Unique Identity:

  • The campaign was developed under the banner: “Swachha Gadwal, Swastha Gadwal” (Clean Gadwal, Healthy Gadwal).
  • The tagline, “Prathi Intlo Moruguthodu, Bhavishyathuku Pragathimetu” (A toilet in every home is the stepping stone to our progressive future), reinforced the message of progress through cleanliness.
  • The communications strategy included:
    • - Videos broadcast on local TV networks during prime time to reach a broad audience.
    • - Posters in schools, hospitals, workplaces, and government offices to ensure visibility across the district.

3. Stakeholder Engagement for Behavior Change:

  • The campaign successfully identified and engaged key stakeholders to drive behavioral change:
    • - Faith leaders were mobilized to advocate for the need for toilets, leveraging their influence over the community.
    • - School administrations participated with initiatives like:
      • Letter-writing campaigns, encouraging children to ask parents to build toilets at home.
      • Painting contests promoting the importance of sanitation.
    • - Government officials were motivated to actively support and participate in the campaign, ensuring administrative alignment.

4. Door-to-Door Campaign Execution:

  • A structured door-to-door campaign was implemented, with Mandal coordinators visiting every household in the district:
    • - Coordinators engaged families, addressing their concerns and persuading them to build toilets.
    • - Data on agreements and feedback was systematically collected and shared with the government for follow-up action.

5. Digitized Data Collection and Transparency:

  • The entire campaign was digitized to ensure transparency and accessibility of information:
    • - Data collected during the campaign was shared via CRMs and email systems with government administration.
    • - A dedicated Facebook page was created to share updates, images, and posts, encouraging community involvement and social sharing.

6. Achieving Significant Impact:

  • The campaign successfully achieved a 64% acceptance rate, transforming Gadwal from one of the poorest-performing districts in sanitation initiatives to a model of progress.
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Digital marketing was employed to make a stronger impact.

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Awareness campaigns were conducted throughout the initiative’s duration.

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Social media was a critical component in inspiring change.

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Progress was tracked and measured.

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People were empowered to take action.

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School administrations were convinced to participate in spreading awareness


The Swachha and Swastha Gadwal Campaign achieved remarkable results, transforming one of the most challenging districts in India into a beacon of change:

  • 64% Increase in Acceptance: The campaign recorded a significant 64% spike in toilet adoption, with many households overcoming cultural hesitations to build and use toilets.
  • Improved Transparency and Accountability: The digital monitoring system fostered a sense of responsibility among workers and ensured that progress could be tracked and measured effectively.
  • Girls’ Education Empowerment: Crowdfunding efforts led to the construction of toilets in a girls’ school, helping ensure continuity of education for young girls, a critical milestone in breaking the cycle of gender disparity in education.
  • Widespread Awareness: The campaign’s innovative use of digital media, school competitions, and community engagement created a lasting awareness about hygiene and sanitation, inspiring neighboring districts to adopt similar initiatives.
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The initiative empowered many.

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Through competitions and talks, children were engaged.


The Swachha and Swastha Gadwal Campaign was a transformative initiative that highlighted how technology, community collaboration, and behavioral change strategies can tackle even the most entrenched challenges.
By turning one of the most underdeveloped districts in terms of sanitation into a model of progress, the campaign contributed to the larger goals of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and set a benchmark for how focused interventions can create lasting social impact.
The success of this campaign is not just a testament to the power of innovative approaches but also a reminder of how small steps, like building a toilet, can lead to monumental change in empowering communities and improving lives.

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Traditional media outlets were employed to reach broad audiences

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